Frequently Asked Questions
When will I receive the goods?
If you successfully place an order between 11a.m. and 8:00p.m. daily, the fastest delivery time is within 60 minutes to your home. Orders placed after 8:00p.m. will be scheduled for delivery as soon as possible after 11:00a.m. the next day.
Q2. 購買的貨物有何限制?
What are the restrictions on purchase?
Only specified selected items are eligible. Each order is limited to a maximum of 15 items, and the order amount (after discounts) must be HK$80 or above.
How is the delivery fee calculated?
A delivery fee of HK$25 will be charged for each order. Free delivery offers do not apply to the Express Delivery service.
Which stores offer Express Delivery Service?
Applicable Stores(Effective from December 10, 2024)
店舖名稱 Store Name |
店舖地址 Store Address |
Fusion 跑馬地 Happy Valley |
香港跑馬地山村道32-40號豐寧大廈地下 G/F, Fine Mansion, Nos. 32-40 Village Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong |
PARKnSHOP 第一城 Fortune City One Plus |
新界沙田銀城街2號置富第一城‧樂薈地下 7B, 46-80號Shop Nos. G7B, 46-80, G/F, Fortune City One Plus, 2 Ngan Shing Street, Sha Tin, N.T. |
PARKnSHOP 富亨邨 Fu Heng Shopping Centre |
新界大埔富亨邨富亨商場地下7號舖 Shop No. 7, Fu Heng Shopping Centre, Fu Heng Estate, Tai Po, N.T. |
PARKnSHOP 香港仔中心 Aberdeen Centre SS |
香港香港仔南寧街13-23號ac1地下1及9號舖 Shop Nos. 1 & 9, G/F, ac1, Nos. 13-23 Nam Ning Street, Aberdeen, Hong Kong |
International 上水匯 Sheung Shui Spot |
新界上水龍琛路48號地庫全層 The Whole of Basement Floor, Sheung Shui Spot, 48 Lung Sum Avenue, Sheung Shui, N.T. |
Fusion 形點 YOHO MALL 2 |
新界元朗朗日路8號形點II 2樓A233號舖 Shop No. A233, Level 2, YOHO MALL II, 8 Long Yat Road, Yuen Long, N.T. |
Food Le Parc 長江中心 CKC18 |
香港中環長江中心地下入口、地庫L1A層(部分)及地庫L2層(部分)舖 Entrance on the G/F, Portion in the Basement L1A and Portion in the Basement L2, Cheung Kong Center, Central, Hong Kong |
Food Le Parc 華蘭中心 Westlands Centre |
香港鰂魚涌華蘭路20號華蘭中心地下2號及3號舖 Shop Nos. 2 & 3, G/F, Westlands Centre, 20 Westlands Rd, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong |
PARKnSHOP 宏德居 Walton Estate Shopping Centre |
香港柴灣道341-343號宏德居B座宏德居商場一樓 1/F, Walton Estate Shopping Centre, Block B, Walton Estate, Nos. 341-343 Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong |
GREAT 太古廣場 Pacific Place |
香港金鐘太古廣場二期地庫LG1 009號鋪 Unit 009 Level LG1, The Mall Pacific Place II, Admiralty, Hong Kong |
Fusion 杏花村 Paradise Mall |
香港杏花邨杏花新城西翼二樓217-230號舖 Shop No 217-230, 2/F, West Wing, Paradise Mall, 100 Shing Tai Rd, Heng Fa Chuen, Hong Kong |
PARKnSHOP 麗城花園 Belvedere Square |
新界荃灣麗城花園三期麗城薈街市M22至M69 Stall No. M22-M69 on the Ground Floor, Belvedere Square Market, Belvedere Garden Phase 3, Tsuen Wan, N.T. |
Fusion 愉景灣 Discovery Bay Plaza |
大嶼山愉景灣愉景灣商場C座G25號舖 G25, G/F, Block C, Discovery Bay Plaza, Discovery Bay, Lantau Island |
Taste 港運城 Island Place |
香港北角英皇道500號港運城商場地庫B05號舖 Shop B05 on the Basement, Island Place, 500 Kings Road, North Point, Hong Kong |
Taste X FRESH 海怡半島 Marina Square West |
香港鴨脷洲海怡半島海怡廣場西座3樓302號舖 Unit 302, 3/F, Marina Square West, South Horizons, Ap Lei Chau, Hong Kong |
PARKnSHOP 士美菲路 Smithfield Walk |
香港堅尼地城士美菲路45-51號Smithfield Walk低層地下7號舖 Shop 7 ,Lower Ground Floor, Smithfield Walk, Nos. 45-51 Smithfield, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong |
Fusion 渣甸山 Jardine Lookout |
香港半山區渣甸山春暉道9號地下 G/F, 9 Chun Fai Rd, Jardine's Lookout, Mid Levels, Hong Kong |
Fusion 和富中心 WORFU |
香港北角和富道 21-53 號和富地庫B46 號舖 Shop No. B46 on the Basement Floor of WORFU, 21-53 Wharf Road, North Point, Hong Kong |
Taste 半山壹號 Celestial Place |
九龍常盛街80號半山壹號商場壹號茗薈1樓12號舖 Shop No. 12 on First Floor of Celestial Place, Celestial Heights, 80 Sheung Shing Street, Kowloon |
PARKnSHOP 匯景廣場 Sceneway Plaza |
九龍藍田匯景廣場4樓401號舖 Shop No. 401, Level 4, Sceneway Plaza, 8 Sceneway Road, Lam Tin, Kowloon |
Taste 黃埔花園 Home World The Whampoa |
九龍紅磡黃埔花園第十二期家居庭地庫B2號舖 Shop B2, First Basement, Home World The Whampoa, Whampoa Garden, Hung Hom, Kowloon |
Fusion 麗港城 Laguna Plaza |
九龍觀塘茶果嶺道88號麗港城第一期商場地下 Shop Nos. B5-B7 & B14 - B15, B1/F, Laguna Plaza, Laguna City, 88 Cha Kwo Ling Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon |
Fusion V Walk |
九龍深水埗深旺道28號V Walk 2樓L2-137&138號舖 Shop Nos. L2-137&138, Level 2, V Walk, 28 Sham Mong Road, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon |
Fusion 欣榮花園 Jubilant Plaza |
九龍土瓜灣馬頭角道33號欣榮花園地下27號舖 Shop No. 27, G/F, Jubilant Plaza, 33 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon |
PARKnSHOP 紅磡 Whampoa Garden Site 3 |
九龍紅磡黃埔花園第3期地下26號舖 Shop No. 26, G/F, Site 3, Whampoa Garden, Hung Hom, Kowloon |
Fusion 樂富廣場 Lok Fu Place |
九龍樂富聯合道198號樂富廣場UG1樓U108-U112號舖 Shop Nos. U108-U112, UG1/F, Lok Fu Place, 198 Junction Road, Kowloon |
Fusion 天晉滙 PopWalk |
新界將軍澳唐俊街12號天晉滙地下G01號舖 Shop No. G01 on the Ground Floor of Popwalk, 12 Tong Chun Street, Tseung Kwan O, N.T. |
Taste 保泰街 We Go Mall |
新界馬鞍山保泰街16號We Go Mall 3樓301號舖 Shop No. 301, 3/F, We Go Mall, 16 Po Tai Street, Ma On Shan, N.T. |
PARKnSHOP 厚德邨 TKO Gateway |
新界將軍澳厚德商場東翼1樓E146號舖 及2樓E203號舖 Shop No. E146 on 1/F & Shop E203 on 2/F, TKO Gateway, Tseung Kwan O, N.T. |
Taste 海之戀商場 OP Mall |
新界荃灣大河道100號海之戀商場3樓3011號舖 Shop No. 3011, 3/F, OP Mall, 100 Tai Ho Road, Tsuen Wan, N.T. |
Fusion 愉景新城 D∙PARK |
新界荃灣青山公路荃灣段398號愉景新城1樓1033-34b及1069號舖 Shops 1033-34b & 1069, Level 1 of D∙PARK, 398 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, N.T. |
Fusion 映灣園 Caribbean Square |
大嶼山東涌健東路1號映灣坊1樓平台22-23號舖 Shop Units 22 & 23, Podium First Floor, Caribbean Coast, 1 Kin Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau Island |
PARKnSHOP 天瑞邨 Tin Shui Plaza |
新界天水圍天瑞路9號天瑞商場2樓L101號舖 Shop No. L101, Level 2, Tin Shui Plaza, 9 Tin Shui Road, Tin Shui Wai, Yuen Long, N.T. |
Fusion 科學園 Science Park 12W |
香港新界白石角科學園12W 大樓地下S071 號舖 Unit S071, G/F, Building 12W, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, N.T. |
Fusion 駿景園 Plaza Ascot |
新界沙田火炭駿景路1號駿景廣場地下G1-G17號舖 Shop Nos. 1-17, G/F, Plaza Ascot, Royal Ascot, 1 Tsun King Rd, Fo Tan, N.T. |
Fusion 大埔中心 Tai Po Mega Mall |
新界大埔安邦路4號大埔超級城D區612-670號舖 Shop No. 612-670, Tai Po Mega Mall Zone D, 4 On Pong Road, Tai Po, N.T. |
新界天水圍天恩路12-18號 +WOO 嘉湖1期2樓220號舖 Shop No 220, 2/F, Phase I of +WOO, Nos. 12-18 Tin Yan Road, Tin Shui Wai, N.T. |
Taste X FRESH 盈翠半島 Maritime Square 1 |
新界青衣青敬路33號青衣城3樓313號舖 Shop Unit 313, Level 3, Maritime Square 1, 33 Tsing King Road, Tsing Yi, N.T. |
Taste 馬鞍山廣場 Ma On Shan Plaza |
新界沙田馬鞍山西沙路608號馬鞍山廣場3樓343-363號舖 Shop Nos. 343-363, Level 3, Ma On Shan Plaza, 608 Sai Sha Road, Ma On Shan, N.T. |
*Delivery areas are within a 2-kilometer radius of the store. (All orders are subject to final confirmation based on the actual delivery address.)
本條款適用於 閣下對本網站之瀏覽及使用、透過本網站向PNS網購(下稱「本公司」)購買貨品或服務之交易。請在使用本網頁之前仔細閱讀本條款及細則。 閣下使用本網頁或其中任何部分,即表示同意 閣下已閱讀本條款及細則,並且接受和同意受本條款及細則約束。本公司可能不時更新此張貼以修訂本條款及細則。經修訂的條款將於張貼日起生效。
Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions apply to your browsing and use of this website, as well as any transactions for purchasing goods or services from PNS eShop (referred to as "the Company") through this website. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using this webpage. By using this webpage or any part of it, you indicate that you have read and accept these terms and conditions and agree to be bound by them. The Company may update this post from time to time to revise these terms and conditions. The revised terms will take effect from the date of posting.
- 本網站貨品價格有可能與百佳店舖
有所不同。 - 貨品價格以訂購當日所示為準。
- 所有訂單須視乎相關貨品的供應情況再作最後確認。倘若本公司未能提供任何已訂購之產品或服務,或未能提供快趣送服務。
- 本公司有權拒絕接受該訂單之部分或全部。倘若我們無法提供閣下訂單上的任何產品或服務,我們會於交貨前透過電話或電郵通知閣下。
- 本公司之一般購物條款仍然適用於快趣送服務。
- 詳情請參閱:www.pns.hk/zh-hk/termsAndConditions
General Terms
- The prices of goods on this website may differ from those in PARKnSHOP
physical stores. - The prices of goods are as shown on the day of ordering.
- All orders are subject to final confirmation based on the availability of the relevant goods. If the Company is unable to provide any ordered products or services, or is unable to provide the Express Delivery service.
- The Company reserves the right to refuse to accept all or part of the order. If we are unable to provide any products or services from your order, we will notify you by phone or email before delivery.
- The general terms and conditions of the Company still apply to the Express Delivery service.
- For details, please refer to www.pns.hk/en/termsAndConditions